Functional Dry Needling

Functional Dry Needling® (FDN) involves inserting a tiny single filament needle in a muscle or muscles in order to release shortened bands of muscles and decrease trigger point activity as well as increased function and mobility of the joints. This can help resolve pain and muscle tension, and will promote healing. This is not traditional Chinese Acupuncture, but is instead a medical treatment that relies on a medical diagnosis to be effective. Your physical therapist, Chad L. Molen, DPT, CSCS , trained by KinetaCore® has met requirements for Level I and Level II competency in Functional Dry Needling®, and is currently in training to become a certified Functional Dry Needling® Practitioner. Reid L. Molen, PT, trained by KinetaCore® has met requirements for Level I competency in Functional Dry Needling®, and is currently in training to become a certified Functional Dry Needling® Practitioner. All training was in accordance with requirements dictated by this facility and by the U.S. states of Montana and Nevada this practitioner’s license.

FDN is a valuable and effective treatment for musculoskeletal pain and increased motion and function. Like any treatment, there are possible complications. While complications are rare in occurrence, they are real and must be considered prior to giving consent for treatment.
Risks: The most serious risk with FDN is accidental puncture of a lung (pneumothorax). If this were to occur, it may likely require a chest x-ray and no further treatment. The symptoms of shortness of breath may last for several days to weeks. A more severe puncture can require hospitalization and re-inflation of the lung. This is a rare complication, and in skilled hands it should not be a major concern. Other risks include injury to a blood vessel causing a bruise, infection, and/or nerve injury. Bruising is a common occurrence and should not be a concern. Infection and nerve injury are very uncommon resulting in .01-.1%.